One Region Lead Agents

One Region is proud to partner with Lead Agents approved by the One Region Advisory Committee, to champion the critical action areas and themes of the Roadmap, driving meaningful progress and fostering transformative impact across the region.

Charleston Metro Chamber Logo


Charleston Metro Chamber of Commerce Regional Housing Coalition

Housing attainability continues to be a top Chamber priority. They recognize that the cost and availability of housing isn’t just affecting one group of people, it is impacting employers and employees of all different backgrounds and industry sectors.

If you are interested in being a part of the solution, join the Regional Housing Coalition, a grass-roots organization that advocates for attainable housing in our region, contact Craig Logan at

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Economic Momentum:

Increasing H.O.P.E. Financial Training Center

Since 2003, Increasing H.O.P.E (Helping Others Prosper Economically) has been providing financial training and educational opportunities to the local community. They are a nonprofit Financial Training Center with a passion to see individuals and families become educated, enriched and empowered in personal finance. For more information, contact

Global Fluency:

Global Charleston

Global Charleston is the realization of a long-held regional desire: to welcome the global community well.

Charleston Southern University (CSU), along with regional partners, created Global Charleston to be the expression of that goal by providing information that international residents and businesses need to thrive. CSU is honored to work with our regional partners to create a “globally connected region welcoming to multinational businesses and international residents and visitors.”

For more information, contact CSU’s Executive Director of Center for Global Engagement and President of Global Charleston, Stephanie LeVan at

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Infrastructure – Digital Divide:

Lowcountry Digital Equity Coalition

The Lowcountry Digital Equity Coalition (LDEC) is a regional strategic alliance representing a cross sector of businesses, governments, and other anchor institutions, dedicated to activities that ensure digital inclusion across the Charleston/North Charleston Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) Currently, there are thirty-two active coalition members, who represent public and private educational, healthcare, philanthropic, governmental, and private sector industries in our region’s ecosystem.

The Tri-County Cradle to Career serves as the backbone agency for LDEC providing administrative management, membership coordination and resource development to sustain and expand the work on behalf of the Coalition.

For more information contact:
Stacey Lindbergh:
Quinetha Frasier:

Infrastructure – Transportation + Transit:

Berkeley-Charleston-Dorchester Council of Governments (BCDCOG)

Our region is growing – and so is its infrastructure. BCDCOG leads transportation planning projects throughout the region, helping to shape a long-term vision for connectivity and mobility. As one of South Carolina’s 10 Regional Planning Councils, the Berkeley-Charleston-Dorchester Council of Governments’ primary objectives are to assist local governments develop local and regional plans within the tri-county region, as well as providing local governments with planning and technical support to improve the quality of life in the region.

Additionally, BCDCOG administers CARTA, TriCounty Link and is leading the forthcoming Lowcountry Rapid Transit system.

For more information, contact Regional Economic Development Specialist Ryan Wilcox at

Harbor Entrepreneur Center Logo

Innovation & Entrepreneurship:

Harbor Entrepreneur Center

The Harbor Entrepreneur Center’s mission is to create collision among the entrepreneur community. By nature, entrepreneurs are problem solvers. We believe by connecting the thinkers, the doers and visionaries we will support the economic vitality of the region.

An entrepreneur’s journey is a unique one. Founded and operated by entrepreneurs who live the journey, The Harbor leverages this experience to support entrepreneurs at any stage.

For more information, contact Executive Director, Grady Johnson at

College of Charleston Riley Center Logo

Quality of Place:

Joseph P. Riley Jr. Center for Livable Communities

The creation of Quality of Place is at the core of what the Joseph P. Riley Jr. Center for Livable Communities (Riley Center) aims to deliver. As an interdisciplinary initiative of the College of Charleston our mission is to leverage the intellectual resources of the College to support the economic and cultural vibrancy of the City of Charleston and other communities throughout South Carolina, the United States, and around the world.

For more information please contact:
Kendra Stewart, Center Director:
Ali Moriarty, Assistant Director: