If We Want The Business Community To Continue To Thrive, We Must Change Our Driving Habits
Traffic congestion is a critical challenge affecting the quality of life and productivity of our three-county region’s workforce. Addressing it is a priority issue for leaders throughout our region.
We all know long-term congestion solutions involve investing in critical multimodal transportation and creating more affordable housing closer to job centers. For decades, investments in infrastructure and housing haven’t kept up with our region’s steady and stable population growth.
To paint a picture: our regional population is 788,000. It is projected to be a million within 10 years. To accommodate that population size, it is estimated the region will need 90,000 new housing units at all price points, or 7,500 annually. The Charleston metro benefits from sustained economic success. Since 2010, our community has created more than 50,000 new jobs, with another 35,000 expected over the next five years.